英语翻译Hi,I am glad to get to know you.Usually,I will be online


Hi,I am glad to get to know you.Usually,I will be online at night ( EST US),so in Beijing,it should be like day time,maybe at noon.Maybe it is hard to catch me.So you may wanna contact me by MSN:uscyko001@hotmail.com is prefered.Because,to be honest,I am kind of shame about browsing this friends finder website in public.
Maybe it is not appropriate that I ask you whether you have found your other half,hehe.Anyway,I wanna get to know you deeper.I have to say I am not a perfect man.If you are not satisfied with me,I wish we still could be at least friends,talking about problems we have everyday,about feelings you know,happy or sorrow,funny experience.Maybe I can also learn something about women from you.What are they thinking,what they like and dislike,how to act as a cool and attractive guy.
I am honestly hoping we can get to be friend and have a relationship.
BTW,I saw your photos,they are really beautiful
1个回答 分类: 英语 2014-10-30


你好,我很高兴认识你.通常我都在9点上线,在北京时间的话大概是白天吧,应该是中午.也许你有点难能联系到我.所以你可以用MSN联系我,地址是uscyko001@hotmail.com 说实话我对于在网上交友有点害羞来着的.我不知道这样问是否合适,但是我想知道你是不是已经找到了你的另一半.总之,我希望更进一步的认识你.我得说我是一个完美的男人.如果你对我不满意的话,至少我们可以做朋友,聊聊日常的琐事啊,你的感受啊,高兴或者忧愁,有趣的经历什么的.也许我能从你的身上学到点关于女人的事情.她们都在想什么啊,她们喜欢什么讨厌什么啊,我怎样表现才能变得酷酷的有魅力来着的.