

1.Joe lost his arms in an accident that killed his father.Since then,he has had to depend on the arms of his younger sister Ella.In order to take care of him,Ella become his shadow,never leaving him ______ for years.空里为什么填alone不填afraid(或者翻译一下句子)
2.请翻译:As they grow up together,they had their share of problems and they would often quarrel.
4.请翻译:As similar misfortune struck Rosa,too.One night her mother,who suffered from mental illness,disappeared.并解释为什么是disappeared而不是moved
5.请翻译:And most of all she learned to do things on her own.
6.One day,Joe and Rosa were both invited to a television program.Joe told the TV host about his______future at being left on his own,while Rosa was full of hope for her life.请解释空里为什么填uncertain不填unfair.
7.They both were asked to write something on a piece of paper with their toes.Joe wrote:My younger sister’s arms are my arms; ______Rosa wrote:Broken wings,flying heart.请解释空里为什么填uncertain不填unfair.
1个回答 分类: 英语 2014-10-09


1 Joe在一次事故中失去了双臂和父亲,从那以后,他不得不依赖于他妹妹Ella的全面照料.为了照料他,Ella与他形影不离,多年以来从不将他丢在一旁不管.
2 随着他们在一起长大,他们存在同样的问题,并且经常争吵.
3 question 提问、提出疑问 problem 问题、需要解答的话题
4 Rosa也遭遇了相似的厄运.一天夜里,她的患有精神病的妈妈不知去向.disappear 消失,失踪
move 移动,动作,感动.根据语意,显然选择disappear
5 最重要的是她学习自己动手做事.
6 uncertain不确定的,unfair不公平的,根据while 引导的从句意为:而rosa对自己的生活充满希望,推断joe对主持人谈及自己如果被独自丢下,则未来无法预料、吉凶未卜.
7 空格宜填 whereas,或 however,或……
再问: 哥哥想在追问一下,第七道题是我打字的错误,很抱歉 我选的是and,答案是while,请再解释一下好么? share of什么意思?(第二问) 谢谢~~
再答: 关于第7题,Joe wrote: My younger sister’s arms are my arms; Rosa wrote: Broken wings, flying heart.请注意,作者在这两句之间使用了一个分号,因而不需要使用连词。但是为了表示转折或者对比,可以使用副词。出题人在第二句之前设置了空格,那么这个空格只能填副词,however是适合的,但是需要加一个逗号;如果使用连词while或者whereas,需要将分号去掉。 share 共享,份额。share与of并不是固定结构,在一起只是巧合 their share of problems他们共有的问题