

计算机语言指用于人与计算机之间通讯的语言.计算机语言是人与计算机之间传递信息的媒介.计算机程序设计语言的发展,经历了从机器语言、汇编语言到高级语言的历程.机器语言是指一台计算机全部的指令集合.但使用机器语言是十分痛苦的,特别是在程序有错需要修改时,更是如此.为了减轻使用机器语言编程的痛苦,人们进行了一种有益的改进:用一些简洁的英文字母、符号串来替代一个特定的指令的二进制串,这种翻译程序被称为汇编程序.从最初与计算机交流的痛苦经历中,人们意识到,应该设计一种这样的语言,这种语言接近于数学语言或人的自然语言,同时又不依赖于计算机硬件,编出的程序能在所有机器上通用.经过努力,1954年,第一个完全脱离机器硬件的高级语言--FORTRAN问世了,40 多年来,共有几百种高级语言出现,有重要意义的有几十种,影响较大、使用较普遍的有FORTRAN、ALGOL、COBOL、BASIC、LISP、SNOBOL、PL/1、Pascal、C、PROLOG、Ada、C++、VC、VB、JAVA等.
弄完才发现有点长- - 哪位大虾帮翻译好了
1个回答 分类: 综合 2014-12-10


Computer language is the communication language between human and computer.Computer language is the media of transmiting information between human and computer.The development of computer programming languages started from machine language,to assembly language then to high-level language.Machine language is the set of all instructions of a computer.But its a big pain to use machine language,especially when there is errors in the program to be corrected,it is more painful at that time.In order to reduce the pain of using the machine language in programming,people has made a useful improvement--Use some simple letters and symbols to replace a particular string of binary string instruction,this type of translation program called assembler.From the earlier painful experience communicating with the computer,people has realized that the language should be designed in a way,that this language is close to mathematical language or human's natural language,while not dependent on computer hardware,and its compiled code should be able to run on all computers.With people's efforts,in 1954,the first completely hardware independent high-level language - FORTRAN came out.And in the past 40 years,a total of several hundred high-level language emerged,including a dozens of important,influential ones.Some are used very broadly,like FORTRAN,ALGOL,COBOL,BASIC,LISP,SNOBOL,PL / 1,Pascal,C,PROLOG,Ada,C + +,VC,VB,JAVA etc.