

1个回答 分类: 英语 2014-11-25


动词短语(Phrasal Verb)是英语的重要组成部分,在口语和书面语中都被大量使用.本文对动词短语做一些简单的讨论.
动词短语由动词加一个或两个小品词(particle)构成,如blow up, take off, look into, face up to等.
[例句] We can put the match off till next week. 我们可以将这场比赛推迟到下星期举行.
[例句] The travellers set off at dawn. 旅游者一清早就出发了.
[例句] They are looking into the disappearance of the gold watch. 他们正在追查那只失踪的金表.
[例句] He has decided to run for President. 他决定参加总统竞选.
[例句] He was invited to sit in on the conference. 他被邀请出席会议.
[例句] He put in for a new job. 他提出要求担任一项新的工作.
[例句] They are thinking of putting him in for the new job. 他们想推荐他参加这项新工作.(注意此句动词和副词之间插入了一个宾语.)
[例句] He put the odd weather down to nuclear explosions. 他将天气反常归咎于核爆.(注意此句动词和副词之间插入了一个宾语.)
第一类,动词和小品词保持原意,词义可从两个成分的意义中引申出来,如bring forth=produce, call on=visit, get away=escape, get back=recover, hold up=obstruct, keep back=retain, look over=inspect等.
i. 小品词说明动词的方向,带有空间涵义.
[例句] The buds are coming out. 蓓蕾绽放.
[例句] The snow came down thick and fast. 大雪纷飞.
[例句] He went straight up to the door. 他一直走到门口.
ii. 小品词表示“完全、彻底”的意思.
[例句] After working all afternoon, they ate up all of the dinner. 工作了一个下午之后,他们在晚餐上把东西全吃光了.
[例句] He drank the beer off at a draught. 他把啤酒一饮而尽.
iii. 小品词表示“持续下去或渐渐地淡薄、减弱”,多半以away来表示.
[例句] He's been working away at this job since breakfast.早饭后,他一直在干这项工作.
[例句] They were digging away in their garden. 他们正在花园里拼命地挖土.
[例句] The thunder and lightning died away in heavy rain. 雷声和闪电消逝,暴雨来临.
第二类,动词保持原意,小品词部分或全部丧失原意,词义尚能从其构词成分的意义中推断出来.如 find out=discover, give up=abandon, leave off=stop, work out=calculate等.
[例句] He was angry when they found out his secret. 当他们发现他的秘密时,他勃然大怒.
[例句] When do we break up for the Easter Holidays? 我们什么时候放假过复活节?
第三类,动词和小品词的意义都已改变,构成一个新的语义单位,语义不能从其构词成分的意义中引申出来.如 come by=obtain, get by=manage, get up=prepare等.
[例句] How didi you come by the dictionary? 这本词典你是怎样弄到手的?
[例句] He decided to walk out on the project. 他决定放弃这项工程.