

假设你叫李明,远在英国的网友tom想了解你父母和你对上网的看法.根据提供信息用英语写一封电子邮件谈谈如何用用好网络李明父母观点1.聊天玩游戏费时间2.网上有不健康的信息李明观点1.获得更多信息2.可以上网校学习3.联系更加便捷4.如何用好网络?80词Dear Toml am so glad to write to you-----------------------------
1个回答 分类: 英语 2014-10-19


Dear Tom I am so glad to write to you for discussing how to use network correctly. My parents always figure that there is lots of unhealthy information on internet, and it's waste time to paly game online. However, in my opinion, network can help me to get more information and make communication more convenient, moreover, I can study by it. I have to admit there are many defect on network, so we should get a way to use it, involve restrain curiocity to resist bad information and confine the time of net play. How do you think? Liming 汤姆: 我很高兴和你通信以讨论如何正确使用网络.我父母总认为网络上存在许多不健康信息,并且上网玩游戏非常浪费时间.但是,在我看来网络可以帮助我获得更多的资讯,方便我联系,我还能通过它进行学习.必须承认,网络也有它的缺点,所以我们必须以良好的方法加以使用,包括抑制好奇心以抵制不良信息,限制上网时间.你觉得呢? 李明 希望我的回答能帮助你.